Information... Research... Conservation

This is the first sound guide dedicated to Angolan bird calls. Presented are the first recordings of many Angolan birds, filling a notable gap in our knowledge of this poorly-known region. The CD contains calls from more than 100 species in MP3 format, including many endemics and country-specials. Click here to see a full list of species.
All recordings were made by Michael Mills.


Order your copy for R 95 (excluding postage) by emailing Michael at


01. African Cuckoo Hawk
02. African Hobby
03. Finsch's Francolin
04. Grey-striped Spurfowl
05. Swierstra's Spurfowl
06. Red-chested Flufftail
07. Red-crested Turaco
08. Thick-billed Cuckoo
09. Gabon Coucal
10. African Barred Owlet
11. African Wood Owl
12. Pennant-winged Nightjar
13. Böhm’s Spinetail
14. Swift species
15. Swift species
16. Swift species
17. Fernando Po Swift
18. Red-backed Mousebird
19. Narina's Trogon
20. Southern Ground-Hornbill
21. Pale-billed Hornbill
22. Western Green Tinkerbird
23. Yellow-billed Barbet
24. Cardinal Woodpecker
25. Bearded Woodpecker
26. African Broadbill
27. African Pitta
28. Rufous-naped Lark
29. Flappet Lark
30. Dusky Lark
31. Brazza's Martin
32. Red-throated Cliff Swallow
33. Angola Swallow
34. Woodland Pipit
35. Buffy Pipit
36. Striped Pipit
37. Fülleborn's Longclaw
38. Petit's Cuckooshrike
39. Purple-throated Cuckooshrike
40. White-breasted Cuckooshrike
41. Yellow-whiskered Greenbul
42. Cabanis’s Greenbul
43. Yellow-bellied Greenbul
44. Yellow-necked Greenbul
45. Pale-olive Greenbul
46. Red-tailed Bristlebill
47. Gabela Akalat
48. Angola Cave Chat
49. Brown-chested Alethe
50. Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush
51. White-headed Robin-Chat
52. Forest Scrub-Robin
53. Miombo Scrub-Robin
54. Rufous-tailed Palm-Thrush
55. Evergreen Forest Warbler
56. African Yellow Warbler
57. Bubbling Cisticola
58. Wailing Cisticola
59. Neddicky
60. Tawny-flanked Prinia
61. Masked Apalis
62. Black-throated Apalis
63. Grey Apalis
64. Brown-headed Apalis
65. Grey-backed Camaroptera
66. Hartert’s Camaroptera
67. Miombo Wren-Warbler
68. Pulitzer's Longbill
69. Long-billed Crombec
70. Red-capped Crombec
71. Green-capped Eremomela
72. Black-necked Eremomela
73. Hyliota species
74. Angola Slaty Flycatcher
75. Southern Black Flycatcher
76. Blue-headed Crsted-Flycatchr
77. Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye
78. White-fronted Wattle-eye
79. Angola Batis
80. Brown Illadopsis
81. Arrow-marked Babbler
82. Dusky Tit
83. Rufous-bellied Tit
84. Cape Penduline-Tit
85. Grey Penduline-Tit
86. Little Green Sunbird
87. Carmelite Sunbird
88. Bronze Sunbird
89. Oustalet's Sunbird
90. Ludwig's Dbl-collar Sunbird
91. Purple-banded Sunbird
92. Bannerman’s Sunbird
93. Mackinnon's Shrike
94. Gabela Bush-Shrike
95. Swamp Boubou
96. Perrin's Bush-Shrike
97. Monteiro's Bush-Shrike
98. Anchieta’s Tchagra
99. Yellow-throated Nicator
100. Gabela Helmetshrike
101. Square-tailed Drongo
102. Sharp-tailed Glossy Starling
103. Bocage's Weaver
104. Dark-backed Weaver
105. Golden-backed Bishop
106. Red-faced Crimsonwing
107. Dusky Twinspot
108. Pale-billed Firefinch
109. Yellow-crowned Canary
110. Black-faced Canary
111. Thick-billed Seedeater

This website is designed and maintained by Michael Mills.